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CBD Establishments Adjures For Access To Federal Coronavirus Relief Funds

An alliance of CBD industry trade groups is adjuring federal lawmakers not to forget about numerous workers involved in state-legal cannabis industries. This development comes at a time when the US congress is struggling to reach an accord on how to aid Americans trapped in the financial fallout of coronavirus.

Legal marijuana and CBD industry now employs around two hundred and forty thousand people in the U.S. Nonetheless, as cannabis remains federally prohibited, CBD industry continues to cut off from almost all assistance at the federal level. This also includes emergency relief funds.

In a letter sent to leaders of the House and Senate, Key marijuana industry associations called on policymakers to eliminate those constraints and make sure that state-legal CBD businesses can meet the requirements for aid.

The groups mentioned,

“Our members follow strict regulations, create jobs, generate billions of dollars in tax revenue—including federal corporate tax revenue—and act as good corporate citizens. Yet it appears as if these businesses will not be eligible for the same loans available to other businesses in this country at risk due to the global pandemic.”

Amidst such uncertain times when markets around the world are facing meltdown and people around the world are facing lockdown, only time will tell how much support the CBD industry receives from the government.

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