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Armed Robbers Plunder Digital Asset Mining Farm Near Moscow

Masked men have plundered a large digital currency mining facility not far from the Russian capital, as per local media reports. The unknown perpetrators took away dozens of video cards in the latest incident involving theft of crypto minting hardware, which has been on the rise in Russia.

A digital asset mining farm in the village of Kuchino, near the city of Domodedovo in Moscow Oblast, has been raided by thieves, as per a recent report by the Russian crypto news outlet Notably, the mining facility was located in a warehouse owned by the Vkusvill supermarket chain.

As per the employees of the security company responsible for the compound, 4 individuals wearing masks entered the warehouse, intimidated the guards with weapons and handcuffed them.

Then the attackers took away 4 containers with approximately hundred GPUs and other hardware used to extract virtual currencies. Law enforcement authorities have evaluated the value of the purloined mining equipment at approximately one million rubles (more than 18k USD at the time of writing).

At the same time, Russian authorities have been taking measures to restrict the spread of home virtual asset mining by raising electricity rates for Russians minting with improvised installations in their basements and garages. The situation has caused immoderate consumption and breakdowns in residential areas in areas with heavily subsidized electricity for the population.

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