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Around 73% Millionaires Mulling Over Investing In Cryptocurrencies, As Per Survey

As per a new survey, the number of millionaires wanting to purchase digital assets is increasing considerably. The survey, conducted on more than seven hundred high-net-worth individuals, indicates that around seventy three percent millionaires are looking forward to owning virtual currencies before the end of 2022.

The survey was conducted by financial advisory organization deVere Group. It divulged that seventy three percent of respondents are bullish toward virtual assets, a surge from around sixty eight percent in 2019.

Partakers were people who had over one million British Pounds (around 1.32 million USD). They were selected from an extensive range of areas including Australia, the United States, Asia, the United Kingdom, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.

Nigel Green, the founder and CEO of DeVere Group mentioned:

“As the survey shows, this impressive performance is drawing the attention of wealthy investors who increasingly understand that digital currencies are the future of money and they don’t want to be left in the past.”

Green divulged that the respondents looking at Bitcoin include some of the prime Wall Street banks, and credited their warming sentiment to espousal by large firms like Square and PayPal.

At the time of reporting, Bitcoin is trading at a price of $18550 with a market cap of over 344 Billion USD. The price is down by 0.05% on a 24-hour chart

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