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BlockShow Europe 2018 Episode 02! Art, Artificial Intelligence, Regulation & Science

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” – Isaac Newton

“Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs

BlockShow Europe 2018 powered by Cointelegraph was held in Berlin earlier this summer. At the time the price of BTC and ETH was already taking the overall summer flat and it is always interesting to see how the crypto community reacts to these times of tension. We covered the event and took a small part in over seven thousand scheduled meetings that we saw confirmed through the BlockShow app which truly hinted at the overall moods and potential of the crypto community present at the BlockShow Europe.

The question on everyones mind was the development of proper regulation and education. Vit Jedlicka, the President of the self-proclaimed Free Republic of Liberland, which is located between Serbia and Croatia and is undergoing a dispute for the land, stated that;

“When we talk about regulation, people are obsessed with regulation. But when you look at the Czech Republic it doesn’t have any regulation, just like Liberland doesn’t have any regulation about ICO’s, and nobody cares! A State is a state of mind and it seems we are too much tied to the belief system that we are brought up with.”

While cryptocurrencies since their inception have been at odds with regulation, proper regulation on the other hand can perhaps paradoxically, help in quick and mass adoption of blockchain utilizing transparent public business practices.

Eddy Travia, investor turned crypto, CEO of Coinsilium Group, venture capital firm:

“Many people have realized that utility token model is the best for them, so I think we are going towards a more regulated environment in this space and it is a good thing, it is unavoidable. I don’t think we can have so much funding in a non-regulated way forever.”

Marc Bernegger, entrepreneur and fintech investor, Board Member at Crypto Finance AG:

“Smart regulation is good, it is needed to bring in the traditional investors into this crypto world.”

Bobby Lee the CEO of BTCC China’s leading bitcoin financial platform, came in with powerful statements such as:

“It is the poor people’s money – those who are making ends meat, that is constantly being taken away and for the first time with Bitcoin, crypto is the future and it truly represents the freedom of money.”

And it seems even former members of U.S. Government were in-line with that message. One of the speakers we interviewed was Johanna Maska the former Head of White House Press Advance for former U.S. President Obama. She traveled the world with Mr. Obama and saw much of the good the bad and the ugly. Perhaps that is what inspired her to start the Global Situation Room, a company that is experimenting with blockchain for three of it’s main pillars which are global good, global trade and global risk.

“If we’re going to have that inclusive and innovative economy we need to be working globally and I think if we are going to actually really change the world we have to reflect the world and that means women ai think women from all across the world have incredible roles. We literally birth the future, we have a different perspective that we bring to the table, and like you need to represent different communities, you need to represent women in everything thats done.”

Indeed, the blockchain space for the most part is comprised of males, but we did also see female innovators of blockchain spearheading their projects at the BlockShow, like Michelle Yeo of DataVLT, an end-to-end data/information management platform. Michelle aims to use artificial intelligence with learning capabilities which will enable the platform to track, gather, analyze and correlate different types of data, for example: enterprise data, online marketing performance data, third-party reports, and information.  End-users will receive an integrated overview of their state of their business. Blockchain makes this whole process tremendously more affordable, immutable and secure. We found this project interesting because of its specific focus on SME’s or small medium enterprises, giving more power to the people. That’s what building the future looks like.

We enjoyed seeing so many amazing women innovators but we couldn’t miss their male counterparts. Online advertisement is an extremely data driven business framework, currently plagued with fraud and difficulty in assessing the true cost and impact of individual advertisements. We derive great pleasure in hosting firms leveraging their blockchain technology to tackle these problems and obviating unnecessary middlemen in the digital world. SaTT or Smart Advertising Transaction Token by Atayen is aiming to do just that.

Gauthier Bros, CEO of Atayen, developers of blockchain technology for exchange of advertising, publishers & audience payment:

“We will break the wall between publishers and advertisers. We will remove the middlemen. The results will be visible directly on the platform by customer likes on Facebook & Instagram. The new pricing will break the wall. It will allow people to work and to facilitate transactions more securely and faster and of course address the [other] needs of today. You will see the views, clicks and the actual costs [of the advertisement].”

We also caught up with Vit Andrusevich the CEO of Coinsbank, who lives in Berlin. We realized that crypto-banking is already here as Coinsbank provides its users with crypto-debit cards that allow you to pay with your crypto anywhere where a VISA or Mastercard is accepted. Miguel Francis-Santiago also gets a Lambo 101 with the CEO of Coinsbank.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor by one or very few; rather, Rome was achieved by the vision of its community. Now in Berlin at BlockShow Europe 2018, we partake in realizing the vision that is tomorrow by engaging with the leading entrepreneurs and future technologies that are in incubations now. As we head into a data driven world, the immense amount and variety of data generated from businesses will demand advance data science methods of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and much more. Blockchain is poised to perform with perfection, if developed properly, the function to audit, account and ultimately deem the copious amounts data trustworthy.  Join us as we learn, progress and leap into the future that is now.

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“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro

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