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Denmark University Develops AI Based Pilots, Makes Quarry Measurement Faster

Nowadays, the majority of aerial drones are remote-controlled. Nonetheless, they may not have the meticulousness essential for specific mapping and inspection applications. A group of researchers at Aarhus University and the Technical University of Denmark claim that they have developed AI pilots to make measuring the limestone quarries quicker, inexpensive, and uncomplicated.

Erdal Kayacan, an associate professor and expert in AI and drones at Aarhus University’s Department of Engineering says,

“We’ve made the entire process completely automatic. We tell the drone where to start, and the width of the wall or rock face we want to photograph, and then it flies zig-zag all the way along and lands automatically.”

Gauging and documenting limestone quarries, cliff faces, and comparable natural and man-made establishments is frequently done using drones that take snapshot of the specific area. The footages are then uploaded to a computer that automatically changes the whole thing into a three-dimensional topography model.

It is to be noted that the human pilots are expensive. Additionally, the recordings are time-consuming because the drone has to be controlled physically to hold the similar continuous distance to the wall of an archaeological site, while concurrently keeping the drone camera upright to the wall. Surely, AI can significantly help decrease the cost and increase the efficiency of the entire process.

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