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Ebay Exploring NFT Auctions Along With Digital Asset Payment Options

Online marketplace giant eBay is mulling over pursuing virtual currency payment options for its shoppers along with finding ways to begin NFT auctions on the platform.

In a recent interview with CNBC, Jamie Iannone, the CEO of eBay mentioned that the corporation will keep on looking at payment options like digital assets. Apart from that, he commented that the marketplace will be exploring opportunities to enable NFTs on the platform in an uncomplicated manner, comparing the digital offerings to collectibles.

Lannone further said, “One of the great things about eBay is when there’s a new trend, it just shows up on eBay. That’s what we’re seeing in areas like NFT, which we’re looking at how we can explore that better.”

He said that parts of non fungible tokens were already transacting on the marketplace now. However, eBay had not yet streamlined the process for purchasers and sellers. Interestingly, few customers are also able to list BTC for sale on the platform apparently without the platform particularly sanctioning such auctions. 

Important to note that the executives at the online marketplace have earlier signaled that eBay could be open to accepting digital currency payments. Three years back, a senior VP at the company mentioned that eBay was seriously mulling over integrating Bitcoin into its platform as a payment method.

The online marketplace also partnered with PayPal to enable payments before the payments provider publicly declared that it would permit virtual asset trading last year. The company is steadily transitioning from using PayPal to e-commerce firm Adyen. As of the 1st quarter of this year, the platform has around one hundred and eighty seven million active users.

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