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Former Google Lawyer Joins Crypto Exchange Coinbase As Deputy General Counsel

Coinbase, the United States headquartered cryptocurrency exchange, leads a mounting list of digital asset focused establishments enticing top-tier legal talent.

Coinbase Inc. recently declared the appointment of ex Google Senior Legal Director Milana McCullagh as deputy general counsel for product and commercial legal.

McCullagh, who worked for over thirteen years at Google, will work across roles at Coinbase on product legal support, assisting the exchange to restructure legal compliance for new product introductions.

It is to be noted that McCullagh’s appointment at the exchange is part of both a Coinbase campaign to entice legal talent that began last year, as well as a comprehensive industry-wide movement of top-tier attorneys joining top-notch digital asset focused firms.

The San Francisco-based exchange’s excessive recruitments may be part of an endeavor by Coinbase to suppress regulatory qualms from likely investors on the eve of a likely Initial Public Offering. The company held talks with law firms and investment banks apropos an Initial Public Offering earlier in the year.

Furthermore, the aforementioned recruitments overlap with the exchange’s recent pronouncement to limit political and societal deliberations at work, which led to an appeal by sixty employees to take advantage of exit packages provided by the firm.

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