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Max Keiser: You Do Not Change Bitcoin, Bitcoin Changes You

The Future is Now Digest – COVID-19 FIATICIDE! / Bitcoin Revolution / End of Fiat with Max Keiser

Miguel Francis-Santiago, CEO of The Future is Now, hosted Max Keiser, a guru of fundamental monetary systems and economics, the Bitcoin Maximalist and co-host of The Keiser Report to discuss how COVID-19 will change the financial system and what it means for Bitcoin.

What is the root cause of the current crisis of health and financial institutions? Should humanity fear technocratic control? Will there be a third World War? And are there any positive outcomes to the current crisis?

Global fiat money crisis – the root cause and the epicentre of the problem

The COVID-19 crisis that started in the Wuhan province in China was inevitable and is a direct consequence of the global fiat money crisis that fuels unsustainable growth, believes Max Keiser:

“In China the growth rate was unsustainable. And they cut a lot of corners. They should have regulated those wet markets that sell these exotic foods. And the inevitable happened. So this is the result of unchecked economic growth at any cost fuelled by fiat money. So it all comes back at fiat money”

According to Max, it is important to focus on the core issue, and COVID-19 is not the main problem for humanity at the moment:

“The pandemic issue is a serious issue but it is not the primary issue of our day. And it has not been on the same scale as the central bank and the fiat money issue which had been growing over the past 30 to 40 years. And is now becoming absolutely uncontrollable pandemic or the non-sense of fiat money”

The process of enriching the poor has a 40 year old history, and it did not start with the coronavirus pandemic, insists Keiser:

“Since 1971, the world has been on a pure fiat money standard – a currency that is not backed by anything other than more paper. And this is the first time in history the world has tried this experiment with the world running on paper money without any currency having any backing whatsoever. And the result is catastrophic. And it is only getting worse”

Bitcoin era – 11th year After Satoshi

As a Bitcoin maximalist, Max Keiser expresses his satisfaction saying that he predicted the full collapse of the fiat system:

“We have the satisfaction to say “hey, we were right for 10 years”. We saw it coming. We predicted it. People who listened and now have bitcoins and do not give media much credibility, they are the once who are fully prepared ”

In his opinion, fiat money died back in 2008 and the crisis of 2020 has only proven that:

“The fiat money died in 2008. It has been kept animated with injections… The global banking system died in 2008. It is already dead. It can’t die twice”

Bitcoin adoption is rising day by day and more people opt out of the fiat system, which is a mere evolutionary and completely natural process, highlighted Keiser:

“I would not characterise this as positive or negative. It is just what it is.. This is the evolution of money. There has been a quest for hundreds and thousands of years to find the perfect trading mechanism… and in 2009 we discovered it. In 2009 humanity became whole.”

“For the first time in history people are able to opt out with something like Bitcoin”, when people are given a real choice, thanks to Satoshi Nakamoto. Kaiser calls this era – the Bitcoin Era and now it is the 11th year AS, After Satoshi.

“Fiaticide” of global corporations and institutions

Amidst the coronavirus epidemic, major corporations like IBM and Microsoft are trying to push the ID2020 project to create digital identities for all citizens. The internet is full with conspiracy theories, including the theory that Bill Gates is attempting to vaccinate the world for the purposes of the control, but Max Kaiser does not give much credibility to current projects that are based on fiat money:

“All their projects are based on fiat money. They all are going to be bankrupt. Bill Gates wealth is entirely in fiat money. Therefore, he is broke, penniless. He has no Bitcoin. IBM has no wealth. They are based entirely on dollar. They will be completely washed out to the sea”

Keiser called Bill Gates a “twice convicted preditorial monopolist”, and insists that the main issue is not the class “of psychotic billionaires” but the central bank that issues fiat money and creates “a friend of the king” situation.

Such companies that are totally based on fiat are committing fiaticide, a suicide caused by holding to fiat money, explained Kaiser.

For the same reason, he believes that the current attacks from regulators and traditional establishments of fiat money will be useless. He even sees such attacks as a positive thing for Bitcoin:

“The Bitcoin protocol is designed to attract the biggest attacks possible from the biggest entities possible to make Bitcoin more secure, to make it even more desirable as hard money which then drives the price higher. We want the biggest attacks possible. We want every single government, to organize themselves and try to attack Bitcoin. That is what we want because it is what drives the price to millions. And those people who have Bitcoin now are in charge of everything. Those people who got stuck in fiat, they are destroyed. It is working perfectly. The protocol is the second coming of perfection”

You do not change Bitcoin, Bitcoin changes you

Bitcoin protocol according Max Keiser, is so powerful that it began changing people’s minds, especially those in power, who process this very differently:

“When Bitcoin appeared on the scene in 2009, it attracted the attention of a lot of people. And over the course of 10-11 years, the people who started to look at it, are higher up in the global hierarchy of banks and politicians, and the protocol started to work on their conscious or subconscious mind. And it began transforming people”

These people are now coming up with projects like digital euro and the digital dollar, and wish to create their own, but centralized Bitcoin according to Miguel Francis-Santiago, however Keiser insists on huge Bitcoin protocol power:

“You do not change Bitcoin, Bitcoin changes you”

People are getting these ideas that they never had in mind, but at the end the current processes are revolutionary and it is only a matter of time:

“A lot of regulators are going to switch over to Bitcoin. I spend a lot of my time trying to get regulators and policemen into Bitcoin. So the revolution is in play. Every time when there is a revolution, when the cops join the revolution, the revolution is complete…There will be at least one smart regulator that realizes –  “hey! This is really stupid to die on the cross of Bitcoin over fiat money, when I can be a bitcoiner and be part of the reality”

Coronavirus impact on propaganda

How COVID-19 pandemic will change the media scenes and how to deal with bombarding propaganda from mainstream media sources? Max Keiser predicts that the current pandemic will change the big media ability to control people’s minds in the foreseeable future, and the process has already begun:

“The budgets of the biggest media companies in the world – Disney, Channel four in the UK, BBC, CBC, NBC – are being slashed. The production is being slashed. Hollywood movies and TV-shows are not being produced. So the ability to control the narrative is being destroyed”

Keiser highlights that it is particularly true in America, where some media channels like CNBC which is a part of Comcast, are an actual defence contractor, trying to impose “toxic propaganda” onto the masses. For example, telling citizens of some existential threat coming from the Slavs, that was later named “Russia Gate Hoax”. The same  television hosts are now stuck home producing these same shows from their basements, writing their own scripts, doing their own makeup instead of getting it done at $30-40 million studios, and ultimately making that propaganda unbelievable while exppsing their shallow selves shares Keiser:

“It is propaganda. And it takes a lot of money. And it takes a lot of resources. So COVID-19 wiped that out. When they tell the same lies from their basement, the lightning is terrible, the makeup is terrible. No one believes them anymore”

The complete media transformation is no surprise for Max, who believes that media lately became a bubble that had to eventually burst. The first signs of transformation are already apparent:

“So the media space is different. The narrative is not controlled by the defence contractor.  anymore. The narrative is more open, more of an open dialogue. We have more discussions, more ideas are being discussed. We have more freedom to assemble and discuss these ideas now”

According to Keiser, RT media management also saw this coming and has been well prepared with new media geniuses like Ivor Crotty. But the mainstream sources, like CNN, are still bombarding people with fear-inducing content, the cure from which is the understanding that the “king is naked”:

“Throughout our history there were many examples where some false king or some power hungry warlord is defeated by the kid in the crowd who says: “hey, the king has no clothes”. The mocking of the fake power of elite, the satire, has historically been the best weapon to overcome your fear”

Max also reminds the audience that big media reporters are just like “mirages”, the actors in scary movies, and the remedy against such fear has been discovered already by Greek philosophers:

“Know yourselves, Socrates said. That is your full time job, from sun up to sun down. Just know yourself and you will be set free from the lies”

Next global conflict – the third World War

Such turbulent changes can not come easy, and there will be “some kind of global conflict”, predicts Keiser, but the shape of the next World War is unpredictable:

“WW1 started on horsebacks and it ended with flying airplanes. WW2 started with flying airplanes and ended with atomic weapons. WW3 will start as a threat of atomic weapons but I think the way it end will be something different that no one can even imagine”

In his opinion, it is likely to be in a shape of “Bitcoin VS The World”, where people who opted for Bitcoin earlier will have an advantage over those who hold on to fiat:

“You can already be in the winning team by buying bitcoin”

Enjoy the full episode here.

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