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Senate Committee Of US State Supports Medical Marijuana Bill

The Senate Committee of Tennessee, a state located in the southeastern region of the United States, gave consent to a deterring medical marijuana legalization bill on Wednesday.

The initially drafted legislation called for the state health department to examine the likelihood of a medical cannabis program and report back on its discoveries by the month of December.

It is to be noted that the amendment would establish permissible access to forms of medical marijuana for patients. However, the sales of edibles and flower would be verboten. Furthermore, the amendment calls for the conception of a “Clinical Cannabis Commission” that would be liable for allotting licenses to CBD related businesses and cannabis advice to patients.

Advocates and patients swore before the committee. They further tried to persuade the members to back the aforementioned bill and let individuals suffering from incapacitating situations to access CBD, particularly in cases where outmoded pharmaceuticals have been unsuccessful.

The director of state policies at the Marijuana Policy Project, Karen O’Keefe mentioned,

“The Tennessee General Assembly should heed the will of voters and enact a comprehensive, compassionate medical cannabis law this year. It is unconscionable that patients with serious medical conditions are forced to choose between needless suffering or risking arrest, prosecution, and incarceration to relieve their symptoms.”

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