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Singapore Authorities Using Robot Dogs In Parks To Curb Coronavirus

A 4-legged remote-controlled robot, Spot, is being used by Singapore authorities to encourage social distancing in parks. The robot walks around the park telling people to maintain a distance of at least one meter.

The aforementioned robot does not impel social distancing. Nevertheless, Singapore does have stringent lockdown procedures that might result in fines, if not complied with.

The robot dog is deployed by Singapore authorities in order to limit the coronavirus contagion. It can be seen politely asking cyclists and joggers to maintain a healthy distance.

It is to be noted that Spot built by Boston Dynamics was first positioned in a central park on Friday as part of a 2-week trial. In the coming days, the number of similar robots policing other parks in Singapore might increase.

The authorities behind the aforementioned test mentioned in a statement that the robot dog could cross rough land in parks and gardens in a better manner. The authorities further added that the cameras would not be able to track individuals or record personal data. Of late, the robot has also been tested for use at an impermanent hospital for distributing medicines to patients.

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