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Class Action Cases Good For Cryptocurrency, Says Former Department of Justice Lawyer

A former Department of Justice (DOJ), special counsel who retrieved twenty five billion USD for his clients elucidates why his firm has brought twelve class action lawsuits against digital asset giants.

The lawyer clarifies the real reason behind filing 12 class action lawsuits against some of the prime firms in the cryptocurrency domain, and how it will be of advantage to the crypto industry in the extended run.

The lawsuits are filed by Roche Cyrulnik Freedman together with the law firm, Selendy & Gay in brining 12 class actions cases against crypto giants. These include popular crypto exchanges like BitMex and Binance. It also includes the company behind EOS cryptocurrency, Earlier, Goldstein has assisted his clients in retrieving more than twenty five billion USD.

Goldstein mentioned,

“By bearing the costs of the litigation, it will force companies and issuers ex ante when they consider the new landscape after these lawsuits to be more careful to follow the rules. And I do think that’s hopefully one of the benefits here for blockchain and this sector in general, is that investors should not be scared to be the ones who are buying and selling these securities.”

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