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Ethereum Mining Rewards Touch All-Time High, Up More Than 180 Percent Since March Lows

As the launch of Ethereum 2.0 is imminent, Ethereum miners are earning more fees than ever before. Data from Glassnode, a blockchain analysis firm, demonstrates that Ethereum blockchain is more active as compared to that in the initial months of 2018. Miners are grossing record-breaking profits from the network fees.

Notably, the price of Ethereum is up more than one hundred and eighty percent since March 2020 lows. Nevertheless, data from the blockchain suggests that the virtual asset may have more to ascend.

As per measurements compiled by Glassnode, a number of blockchain metrics have crossed even their 2017 highs. These include the quantity of gas used in crypto transactions as well as record earnings for POW miners presently supporting the crypto network.

The data shows a remarkably dissimilar market foundation from that which existed when Ethereum logged epic all-time highs over fourteen hundred USD more than 2 years ago. This further imparts credibility to the proposition that further gains may be expected.

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