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Futurama Blockchain Innovators Summit Dubai Episode

In the decades to come when future generations glimpse back to history which is today, chances are that the rapidly emerging blockchain technology will occupy a place on mankind’s path to civilization right next to fire, the wheel, the industrial revolution and the internet. While Bitcoin is a mainstream word, it’s potential and practical use cases are far more reaching than just a ‘currency’. As we travelled to the Futurama Blockchain Innovators Summit in Dubai, we rubbed shoulders with leading experts and had the opportunity to see a range of applications being developed for our coming future. Often misunderstood, history is littered with examples of stellar misunderstandings of the impact that disruptive technologies bring with it. Here are a selected few, few mistakes we at The Future is Now are keen to learn from.

“When the Paris Exhibition closes, electric light will close with it and no more will be heard of it.” – Oxford professor Erasmus Wilson, 1878.

“Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible.” – Lord Kelvin, British mathematician and physicist, president of the British Royal Society, scientific advisor to the throne, 1895.

“There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will.” – Albert Einstein, letter to the president, 1932.

Internet of things (IoT), supply chain, cyber-security, virtual and augmented reality, large scale personal data sovereignty, artificial intelligence and a few more burgeoning sectors of the coming future; these are just a few sectors that DLT will shape and influence decisively. At Futurama Blockchain Innovators Summit Dubai, we engaged with the frontrunners of blockchain innovation as they develop their projects. We also noted the perspective from major investment and capital funds.

Brock Pierce, founder of venture capital firm Blockchain Capital (BCC)

“Businesses historically have a misalignment of interest. You have three core constituents – employee, customer and shareholders. They all want something different. We are going to shift from building businesses to building community. What differentiates the winners from the losers in time, is their ability to build and sustain a community.”

Miko Matsumura, investor & founder of crypto exchange Evercoin

“One of the things that is clear about the signaling [SEC not categorizing ETH as a security] is that they don’t want to make US companies uncompetitive. They really don’t want to cripple innovation within the US.”

Genadi Man, CEO of Kasko2Go, cutting edge pay per use car insurance on the blockchain.

“Usage based insurance, so you pay as you drive.”

“The blockchain helps us get rid of the problem with insurance claims [and] issue [insurance] in the same day. Half an hour. In half an hour, money will be in the repair shop to start repairing your car. People will love buying our insurance with half the money”

Richard Zoni, former CTO of Bitnautic, marketplace for goods and commodities where importers, exporters, end-consumers and producers are cutting cost and making trading easy all over the globe.

“We are building a community of shippers, ship owners and carriers that meet together to negotiate on their own terms.”

“We have a special way to guarantee the deposit inside a smart contract.”

Garry Bracey, CEO of Terra Virtua, blockchain-driven VR platform, a VR ecosystem focusing on VR games, eSports, live events and broadcasts.

“I am concerned, not for me, I am too old, too jaded. I’m concerned for my children and my grandkids. I am looking at everyone involved in the blockchain and they’re young and vibrant. I wish I was young again.”

“By delivering the content on the blockchain, we can ensure that any element of any resale, the developer or the creator will get their cut and that is wonderful.”

Evgeni Borisov, CEO of Vimana Global, world’s first blockchain managed aerospace platform

“We engineered the architecture called the Vimana blockchain aerospace network. We are providing to the local governments a safe and reliable way to finally have the low altitude aerospace as an ideal transport and communication system.”

“Vimana is the first blockchain aerospace company in the world.”

Futurama Blockchain Innovators Summit in Dubai was a first for the Futurama Blockchain Innovators and truly highlighted a new standard for blockchain conferences, where community and setting played the most important role. Futurama created a grounding experience for people to meet each other and network the future together. From the morning program at a conference stage in the Meydan Hotel which is actually a racetrack hotel, to the evening networking events in the desert listening to Harp music and even a swim on a 220-foot yacht into the middle of the Dubai gulf. All this and more you can experience in our episode of The Future is Now – our decentralized documentary series that covers the progress of blockchain around the world.

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