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Israeli Researchers Start Clinical Trials To Explore CBD For Coronavirus Treatment

Israeli researchers have commenced 3 clinical trials that make use of CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties as possible treatment of coronavirus.

The trails are aimed at exploring whether CBD can play an effective role in ending or decelerating the spread of coronavirus. Together with existing treatment options, the scientists will study CBD as a possible solution.

Recently, InnoCan Pharma declared a partnership with Tel Aviv University to implant CBD medicine through exosomes, which are the small cell structures formed when stem cells grow. As per the researchers, the new method will use exosomes as they can distinctively target cell organs damaged by coronavirus. The researchers are of the opinion that CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties will patch-up the injured cells through a synergistic effect.

The scientists will have patients take CBD-enriched exosomes through an inhalation set-up, as coronavirus attacks the respiratory system. Previous studies have revealed CBD can help regulate the human body’s immune system and reduce inflammation.

Recently, a group of Canadian researchers have also declared intentions to explore the potential role of cannabis in decelerating the deadly coronavirus. The researchers are of the opinion that CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties could play a vital role in possible treatment.

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