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Two Thirds Of Ethereum Hodlers Plan To Stake In Coming Months, As Per ConsenSys Report

ConsenSys, the Ethereum-focused blockchain tech firm recently published a report looking at the staking and custody predilection of Ethereum cryptocurrency holders.

Around sixty six percent of ETH hodlers are planning on staking their virtual asset when ETH 2.0 goes live in the coming months. Remarkably, Ethereum holders who plan to run their own validator nodes are anticipating to obtain inferior annualized rewards than those who plan to stake through a 3rd party staking service.

It is to be noted that two hundred and eighty seven individuals took part in the survey. As per the survey, the majority of participants mentioned that they plan to use a 3rd party provider to stake with around thirty three percent of participants. The aforementioned respondents were found to display the relatively highest ratio of storage of Ethereum on a cryptocurrency exchange.

In spite of planning to give up a share of their staking rewards to 3rd party providers, the demographic foresees an average annual return of over seven percent. On the other hand, respondents who plan to operate their own nodes anticipate yearly rewards of over five percent.

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