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U.S. Department of Defense Has Premeditated For A Bitcoin Rebellion, Divulges Pentagon Documents

Coming as the latest news in the cryptosphere, it’s been divulged that the United States Department of Defense has wargamed setups concerning a Generation Z revolt that uses BTC to destabilize and elude “the establishment.”

The documents issued by The Intercept divulged that in the Pentagon war game, young individuals use cyberattacks to snip money and change it to bitcoin.

The wargame is dubbed “2018 Joint Land, Air and Sea Strategic Special Program (JLASS)”. According to the document, it is set in 2025 and is projected to mirror a reasonable illustration of key inclinations and influences around the world.

Notably, the scenario imitates ongoing remonstrations in the United States and around the planet against racial injustice. It involves a few individuals belonging to Gen Z who believe that the system is rigged against them and they consider themselves as representatives for social transformation. These individuals instigate a worldwide cyber campaign to reveal prejudice and exploitation and to back causes they believe are advantageous.

Regarding the development, a crypto consultant, Nathaniel Whittemore mentioned,

“By separating the infrastructure of money from the infrastructure of state power, bitcoin makes it that much harder for this type of politically motivated confiscation.”

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