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University Of Tokyo Plans To Offer Engineering Courses Using Metaverse

The University of Tokyo is mulling over offering a series of engineering courses using metaverse technology. The courses, which are projected to begin being offered later this year, will introduce students to the subjects of engineering and will integrate this knowledge with the skills to handle metaverse-oriented worlds, to manage the digital transformation that work and educational environments are going through.

Educational institutions are beginning to recognize the power of metaverse platforms as tools to leverage in educational and instructional processes. The University of Tokyo, one of the most esteemed higher education institutions in Japan, has recently declared a plan for imparting metaverse-based engineering courses.

As per a couple of reports, the university will make an effort to hire women for these courses, because of the low level of participation the demographic has in engineering courses.

With the advancement of the metaverse as a platform where many activities can take place, more organizations and institutions are taking their activities to this alternate world. Nevertheless, as per a study carried out by researchers of Coburg University, the University of Cambridge, the University of Primorska, and Microsoft Research, present metaverse tech might not yet be suitable for this sort of application.

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